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Cloud Backup

Starnet Technologies Chattanooga Logo

Safe, Secure, cloud backup supported by our own local staff

Powered by industry leading Barracuda Backup


Question:  What is the most expensive, yet preventable threat that your company will ever face?
Answer:  Data loss


Really? Yes.  Almost 93% of businesses that experience a catastrophic loss of data and are unable to access it within 10 days are out of business within the year.​


Business continuity is crucial. Tape backup systems are expensive, slow, tedious, and still require secure offsite storage to maintain some semblance of confidence in the process.  To restore data, one must find the tape or tapes and hope that the tape media has maintained its integrity.
Other on-site backups are reliable (and still very expensive) but the backups live in the same location as the original data.  Loss of the original data, whether it be by theft, sabotage, fire, water, or a complete loss of the building, can be overcome if the backed up data is safely stored offsite.
Our cloud backup product, Outpost Remote Backup, is secure from end to end.  Your data is encrypted before it is sent out of your network.  It is stored encrypted in redundant data centers strategically located around North America. When you need to restore your data, it is restored securely from end to end.
Outpost Remote Backup is HIPAA and PCI compliant.  Have you conducted a HIPAA audit yet?  Go ahead and sign up now and that's one less requirement that you will be scrambling to meet when your audit is due.
Best of all, we will back up all of your data, no matter how much data you have, for one low price paid monthly or annually.  You are covered at that price no matter what.

What if I add employees?  Covered.
What if I add data?  Covered.
What if my data doubles?  Covered.
What if my company expands 5,000% ?  Covered.


So how's your data?  Are you in the position today to face a catastrophic loss of data?
Ready to fix that? Lets Talk.

Contact Us

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PO Box 4544

Chattanooga, TN 37405


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